Spectral Shift of π-π* Transition for p-Nitroaniline Based on a New Expression of Nonequilibrium Solvation Energy (cited: 1)
Graphical Abstract
According to the nonequilibrium solvation theory studies, a constrained equilibrium prin-ciple is introduced and applied to the derivations of the nonequilibrium solvation energy, and a reasonable expression of the spectral shift of the electronic absorption spectra is de-duced. Furthermore, the lowest transition of p-nitroaniline (pNA) in water is investigated by time-dependent density functional theory method. In addition, the details of excited state properties of pNA are discussed. Using our novel expression of the spectral shift, the value of -0.99 eV is obtained for π-π* transition in water, which is in good agreement with the available experimental result of -0.98 eV.