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    Huang Huang, Zhi-hong Luo, Yih Chung Chang, Kai-Chung Lau, C. Y. Ng. State-to-state Photoionization Dynamics of Vanadium Nitride by Two-color Laser Photoionization and Photoelectron Methods (cited: 4)[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics , 2013, 26(6): 669-678. DOI: 10.1063/1674-0068/26/06/669-678
    Citation: Huang Huang, Zhi-hong Luo, Yih Chung Chang, Kai-Chung Lau, C. Y. Ng. State-to-state Photoionization Dynamics of Vanadium Nitride by Two-color Laser Photoionization and Photoelectron Methods (cited: 4)[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics , 2013, 26(6): 669-678. DOI: 10.1063/1674-0068/26/06/669-678

    State-to-state Photoionization Dynamics of Vanadium Nitride by Two-color Laser Photoionization and Photoelectron Methods (cited: 4)

    • We have conducted a two-color visible-ultraviolet (VIS-UV) resonance-enhanced laser pho-toionization and pulsed field ionization-photoelectron (PFI-PE) study of gaseous vana-dium mononitride (VN) in the total energy range of 56900-59020 cm-1. The VN molecules were selectively excited to single rotational levels of the intermediate VN(D3∏0, v'=0) state by using a VIS dye laser prior to photoionization by employing a UV laser. This two-color scheme allows the measurements of rovibronically selected and re-solved PFI-PE spectra for the VN+(X2△; v+=0, 1, and 2) ion vibrational bands. By simulating the rotationally resolved PFI-PE spectra, J+=3/2 is determined to be the lowest rotational level of the ground electronic state, indicating that the symmetry of the ground VN+ electronic state is 23/2. The analysis of the PFI-PE spectra for VN+ also yields accurate values for the adiabatic ionization energy for the formation of VVN+(X23/2), IE(VN)=56909.5±0.8 cm-1 (7.05588±0.00010 eV), the vibrational fre-quency ωe+=1068.0±0.8 cm-1, the anharmonicity constant ωe+χe+=5.8±0.8 cm-1, the ro-tational constants Be+=0.6563±0.0005 cm-1 and αe+=0.0069±0.0004 cm-1, and the equi-librium bond length, re+=1.529 ?, for VN+(X23/2); along with the rotational constants Be+=0.6578±0.0028 cm-1 and αe+=0.0085±0.0028 cm-1, and the equilibrium bond length re+=1.527 ? for VN+(X25/2), and the spin-orbit coupling constant A=153.3±0.8 cm-1 for VN+(X25/2,3/2). The highly precise energetic and spectroscopic data obtained in the present study are valuable for benchmarking the predictions based on state-of-the-art ab initio quantum calculations.
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