Efficient Coherent Population Transfer of D2 Molecules by Stark-induced Adiabatic Raman Passage
Graphical Abstract
Preparation of a high flux of hydrogen molecules in a specific vibrationally excited state is the major prerequisite and challenge in scattering experiments that use vibrationally excited hydrogen molecules as the target. The widely used scheme of stimulated Raman pumping suffers from coherent population return which severely limits the excitation efficiency. Re-cently we successfully transferred D2 molecules in the molecular beam from (v=0, J=0) to (v=1, J=0) level, with the scheme of Stark-induced adiabatic Raman passage. As high as 75% of the excitation efficiency was achieved. This excitation technique promise to be a unique tool for crossed beam and beam-surface scattering experiments which aim to reveal the role of vibrational excitation of hydrogen molecules in the chemical reaction.